News & Events

William Barcroft at the Farm!

  • 4 July 2022

Throughout summer term, all of the children at William Barcroft have been experiencing curriculum trips , to enhance and extend their topic learning. The three year four classes have been working on a topic called Healthy Living and have all had the pleasure of visiting Claxby Grange Farm where they have had the opportunity to meet Farmer Andrew and learn all about life on a farm. They walked through the produce fields, explored minibeasts in the woodlands, ground wheat in a mortar and pestle and even had the chance to sit on a combine harvester! They’ve had some great discussions on how our healthy, organic foods get to our table and asked some fantastic, inquisitive questions.

Success and Happiness

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Our Multi Academy Trust is a family of schools, who are genuinely committed to collaborative working, sharing the same vision and values and placing children at the heart of every decision we take.

By working together, we will strive to create a genuine partnership that all of our pupils, staff, governors and wider stakeholders are proud to be part of.

Our Values

We are child-centred, inclusive and ambitious. We expect everyone to act with integrity and be courteous, polite and kind at all times. We value our staff and invest extensively in training.

These values enable us to deliver a high-quality education that not only encourages curiosity, but equips our pupils with the academic outcomes, confidence, ambition and skills to contribute positively to our community and society in general.