Key Information

Statutory Information

The Articles of Association stipulate the charitable purpose and governance structure of the trust, including types of trustees and how they will be appointed or elected. They set out governance procedures and the arrangements for meetings and voting mechanisms.

The Governance Handbook, which incorporates the Scheme of Delegation, provides important information about Harbour Learning Trust for all of our governance stakeholders – including our Members, Trustees, members of our Local Committees as well as Trust staff who will participate in, contribute to, or need to know about our governance.

The Scheme of Delegation sets out how accountability and decision-making works within a multi academy trust. It details which tasks are carried out by the trust board, committees, local academy councils and the executive team. It is an essential document that the trust board must approve, and the trust is required to publish on their website.


Master Funding Agreement

As a Multi-Academy Trust, the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) Funding Agreement and Academies Financial Handbook set out clearly the framework that must be followed reflecting the requirements as a company, charity and public body funded by public monies. There is a clear requirement for effective financial governance and management of funds with freedoms offered to manage day-to-day school improvement.


Annual Report and Financial Statements


You can contact the Finance department on the following email address: [email protected]



Gender Pay Gap Report


Executive Pay Report


Trade Union Facility Time



Success and Happiness

Join our Trust

Our Multi Academy Trust is a family of schools, who are genuinely committed to collaborative working, sharing the same vision and values and placing children at the heart of every decision we take.

By working together, we will strive to create a genuine partnership that all of our pupils, staff, governors and wider stakeholders are proud to be part of.

Our Values

We are child-centred, inclusive and ambitious. We expect everyone to act with integrity and be courteous, polite and kind at all times. We value our staff and invest extensively in training.

These values enable us to deliver a high-quality education that not only encourages curiosity, but equips our pupils with the academic outcomes, confidence, ambition and skills to contribute positively to our community and society in general.