News & Events

Nativity Play – Great Coates Primary

  • 10 January 2022

On Friday 10th December, we were very proud when Year 3 took part in a local community nativity play at the Bishop King Christian Centre. The event was attended by ourselves and another local school and was organised by the local churches.

Our children had the main roles of Mary and Joseph, the Three Kings and the Inn keeper. They played their roles confidently, in front of a large gathering from the local community, in the church garden. We were even joined by real live farm animals, courtesy of Nunny’s farm.

Our children wrote prayers and read them aloud and Year 3 sang lots of carols beautifully.

Success and Happiness

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Our Multi Academy Trust is a family of schools, who are genuinely committed to collaborative working, sharing the same vision and values and placing children at the heart of every decision we take.

By working together, we will strive to create a genuine partnership that all of our pupils, staff, governors and wider stakeholders are proud to be part of.

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We are child-centred, inclusive and ambitious. We expect everyone to act with integrity and be courteous, polite and kind at all times. We value our staff and invest extensively in training.

These values enable us to deliver a high-quality education that not only encourages curiosity, but equips our pupils with the academic outcomes, confidence, ambition and skills to contribute positively to our community and society in general.