Key Information

Data Protection

The Trust obtains and uses personal information about pupils, staff, contractors, and other individuals that come into contact with us.

This information is defined as personal data in the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018 and is often also referred to at the Trust as Personal Information. Any action carried out which relates to personal information is known as processing.

The Trust is the Data Controller for the personal information it processes and we process this information for a variety of reasons in order to carry out our employer and other administrative functions. We aim to be as transparent as possible about the ways we use personal information; to only collect and retain the minimum amount of data possible and to keep it securely.

You can find out more information about the way we use personal information and the rights individuals have to control and manage their data from these web pages. 

Please see below the following sub-pages:

Access your information

Your Rights

Report an Incident

Cookie Notice

Record of Processing Activity

Privacy Policies

External Resources

Success and Happiness

Join our Trust

Our Multi Academy Trust is a family of schools, who are genuinely committed to collaborative working, sharing the same vision and values and placing children at the heart of every decision we take.

By working together, we will strive to create a genuine partnership that all of our pupils, staff, governors and wider stakeholders are proud to be part of.

Our Values

We are child-centred, inclusive and ambitious. We expect everyone to act with integrity and be courteous, polite and kind at all times. We value our staff and invest extensively in training.

These values enable us to deliver a high-quality education that not only encourages curiosity, but equips our pupils with the academic outcomes, confidence, ambition and skills to contribute positively to our community and society in general.